Error 80070002 when installing apps from Store on Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator

jaccus picture jaccus · Nov 21, 2014 · Viewed 34.3k times · Source

This happens when trying to install any application from the Store on Windows Phone 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB Emulator. It first asks to login with Microsoft account, create a backup and such. Then after pressing the install button for some app an error dialog appears.

Complete message from error dialog:

There is a problem completing your request. Try again later.

Inquiring minds may find this error code helpful: 80070002


I tried following solutions from this thread, which is enabling Administrator account, logging in (so that C:\Users\Administrator folder appears) and restarting Emulator. Unfortunately this did not help.


disklosr picture disklosr · Nov 21, 2014

Check the date; time and region settings in your emulator. They need to be correct.