Integrated Windows Authentication is a term associated with Microsoft products that refers to the SPNEGO, Kerberos, and NTLM authentication protocols.
I am trying to create a custom HttpModule which controls which users can view a site. I am trying to …
c# iis-7 windows-authentication httpmoduleMy Asp.Net Core mvc web application requires Windows Authentication. In developpement, on IIS Express, everything works fine thanks to …
iis windows-authenticationI'm looking for a guide about adding windows authentication support into a django app, particulary OSQA I'm aware about http://…
django windows-authenticationI want to add windows user to SQL users pragmatically. my problem is that I want to do this on …
c# sql-server windows-authentication sql-authenticationI am building an intranet application in ASP .NET 5, MVC 6. I want to know how to enable Windows Authentication.? The …
c# windows-authentication need help with this and tried lots of things and run out of ideas. I have a site hosted …
active-directory internet-explorer-7 iis-7.5 windows-authenticationI installed SQL Server 2012 but not able to connection to express instance getting below error: A network-related or instance-specific error …
connection database-connection windows-authentication sql-server-2012-expressI'm trying to add Roles authentication to an Action in a Controller in an ASP.NET MVC application. The code … windows-authenticationI have restricted access to a site by using Integrated Windows Authentication and turning off anonymous access. This way I …
c# windows-authenticationI have an Intranet application with Windows authentication based on MVC4. When I need the WindowsIdentity for authorization purpose in … windows-authentication