Is it possible to unload a kernel driver without a reboot?

Brian Frost picture Brian Frost · Jan 30, 2011 · Viewed 15.2k times · Source

I'm playing about with one of the kernel driver examples in the Win7 DDK. I can modify compile and build my *.sys file. I can install it too with its INF (using device manager or devcon) or using the Service control manager directly. When I make the next change though and generate an updated *.sys file I seem to get a conflict between this new file and my now stopped driver (I've tried using Servcie Control Manager 'stop' and 'delete service' etc). If I reboot, I can install the new driver and run it fine. Similarly, if I choose uninstall in Device Manager, Windows prompts me to reboot.

So, how can one easily test incremental modifications to a kernal driver easily? Thanks


Joshua Strouse picture Joshua Strouse · Jan 31, 2011

Looking at the Setup API logs might be a good place to start:

If devcon prompts for a reboot, you could look at the code in the DDK, debug why it's asking and dig into the issue that way as well.