Adobe Connect stuck at "connecting..." stage (windows 7)

Fergus picture Fergus · Jan 8, 2010 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

When attempting to connect to our Adobe connect server (v7.5) I am getting stuck at "connecting..." stage. When doing the debug here is the output:

Player Version: WIN 10,0,42,34

App-Server returned: code:ok, servers=rtmp://connect:1935/_rtmp://localhost:8506/,rtmpt://connect:443/_rtmp:/ /localhost:8506/

ERROR: FMS Server did not return correctly!

I used Nmap on the server port TCP 1935 its open and I turned off the windows firewall service on the Windows 7 box.


Brian B. picture Brian B. · Jan 8, 2013

On localhost:8510/console/ -> Server Settings -> Host Mapping -> Use FQDN and reboot.