Profiling x86 executable with Dependency Walker hangs on Windows 7 x64

herzbube picture herzbube · Jan 12, 2012 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

Under Windows 7 x64, when I try to profile an x86 executable with the latest version of Dependency Walker (2.2.6000) the profiling process always hangs at a certain point. Most of the time the last DLL that is loaded is c:\windows\syswow64\URLMON.DLL, so it seems that something inside that DLL is causing a problem. Profiling the same executable on Windows 7 x86 works flawlessly.

I have googled quite extensively, but couldn't come up with a solution to the problem. One suggestion that I found was to uninstall IE 8 or IE 9 and replace it with IE 7, but this doesn't really help. The only effect that I can observe is that with IE 7 the profiling process hangs at a different DLL (iertutil.dll, if I remember correctly, also from the system's syswow64 folder).

So my question is: How can I get Dependency Walker to profile x86 applications on x64 Windows 7? Of course, it would also be nice to know why the problem exists in the first place :-)

Some final notes:

  • I am using the x86 version of Dependency Walker because I want to profile an x86 executable
  • Running Dependency Walker as administrator does not help
  • All profiling options marked as "may fail on WOW64" are disabled
  • The executable I am currently using as a test case to reproduce the problem is the Sumatra PDF viewer (download link) because it is a simple .exe that does not need installation


Sam picture Sam · Mar 17, 2016

Updated instruction based on @Stone Free's comments

The download link you need has changed to:

Go down to the 2. Install WDK 10 section and select the download:

Locate and run the Wdk setup (wdksetup.exe) from stage 2, then choose the download option rather than install.

Once completed locate and run DownloadLocation\Windows Kits\10\WDK\Installers>"Windows Driver Kit-x86_en-us.msi"

Then you will find Dependency Walker at:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\x64\depends.exe for the 64 bit version
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\x86\depends.exe for the 32 bit version

Which is Dependency Walker version 2.2.10011 built 2015-10-29 x86 version

A handy tool is to use which is a simple launcher for Dependency Walker that determines the platform (x86|x64|ia64) of an windows image (dll, exe, etc) and launches the appropriate version of depends.exe to view its dependencies. It's main purpose is for use in a context menu entry to easily view an image's dependencies.