How can I write contents of a CString instance to a file opened by CreateFile using WriteFile Win32 API function?
Please note MFC is not used, and CString is used by including "atlstr.h"
edit: Can just I do
WriteFile(handle, cstr, cstr.GetLength(), &dwWritten, NULL);
WriteFile(handle, cstr, cstr.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL);
With ATL it's like this:
CString sValue;
CStringW sValueW(sValue); // NOTE: CT2CW() can be used instead
CAtlFile File;
static const BYTE g_pnByteOrderMark[] = { 0xFF, 0xFE }; // UTF-16, Little Endian
ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(File.Write(g_pnByteOrderMark, sizeof g_pnByteOrderMark));
ATLENSURE_SUCCEEDED(File.Write(sValueW, (DWORD) (sValueW.GetLength() * sizeof (WCHAR))));
It's byte order mark (BOM) which lets Notepad know that encoding is UTF-16.