This seems so stupidly simple, but I can't figure it out. I'd like to make a list like this in my Redmine project wiki:
Really complicated item
Line 3
Next complicated item
Basically, I want to have blank lines in my list without restarting numbering. How do I do this? It seems so basic; I can't believe they haven't thought of this - I must be missing something obvious.
I finally figured out a good way to do this using non-breaking spaces:
# Really complicated item
Line 3
# Next complicated item
Seems that I found a part of HTML that isn't banned by Redmine... If that changes, you can still work around it using marapet's solution, but for the item after Line 3 you have to copy/paste a non-breaking space (a different character from normal space) instead of just pressing spacebar between the "@ @" symbols.