to cut a long story short: Is there a function to get the name of the Master Frame of a widget in Tkinter?
Let me tell you a little bit more:
There is a Button, named "BackButton"
self.BackButton = Button(self.SCPIFrame, text = "Back", command = self.CloseFrame) = 320, y = 320, anchor = CENTER)
When I click on this Button, there is a function named "CloseFrame", which closes the current Frame (and doing some other stuff), in this case "SCPIFrame". But for this, I need the name of the Frame, in which the BackButton is present. Any ideas? Thanks for helping.
I think the best way is to use the .master attribute, which is literally the master's instance :) For example (I am doing this in IPython):
import Tkinter as tk
# We organize a 3-level widget hierarchy:
# root
# frame
# button
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)
button = tk.Button(frame, text="Privet!", background='tan')
# Now, let's try to access all the ancestors
# of the "grandson" button:
button.master # Father of the button is the frame instance:
<Tkinter.Frame instance at 0x7f47e9c22128>
button.master.master # Grandfather of the button, root, is the frame's father:
<Tkinter.Tk instance at 0x7f47e9c0def0>
button.master.master.master # Empty result - the button has no great-grand-father ;)