Top "Whm" questions

WHM is a hosting automation software used by server administrators and resellers to manage cPanel hosting accounts on a web server.

Configure CSF to allow outbound SMTP

I have a web app that sends email via SMTP (Gmail, Zoho Mail servers). The thing is, the email sending …

email whm
Can I point a sub domain of one site to the root of another on same server / IP

I have this (pseudo) domain setup, and hope to do any configuration via cPanel and/or WHM. - …

subdomain redirect cpanel whm
Reverse DNS not working , not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

i have a vps with WHM installed, and now i try to add rDns , i was following this guide https://…

centos cpanel vps whm reverse-dns
Hostname not resolving to IP WHM/cPanel

I moved my WHM/cPanel installation to a new server. After changing the nameserver IP's and then after a little …

centos cpanel hostname centos6 whm
max_allowed_packet set on server using WHM vps

I want to change max_allowed_packet on server using WHM vps. but I am not getting at where it …

mysql vps whm
Cpanel/WHM solution in microsoft windows server

Does Microsoft provide a web hosting solution similar to Cpanel/Whm in linux? what i really want is to build …

cpanel whm web-farm
Best Free alternative to WHM/Cpanel

Few days ago I purchased a cheap VPS for a project. Our budget is very small so i can't afford …

linux cpanel whm
WHM Module Installer - Why is SOAP not showing in phpinfo?

I'm trying to install SOAP on server. This is what I did: Got into WHM Module Installers Installed SOAP 0.13.0 Confirmed …

soap whm
Can a Cert be issued without a CSR and using old Private Key

I'm confused about something in the SSL renewal process using WHM/cPanel for an existing Comodo Extended Validation cert. We …

ssl certificate cpanel whm csr