Reset default settings in WebStorm

Stalso picture Stalso · Jun 27, 2016 · Viewed 29.2k times · Source

I have applied this theme to WebStorm, but I do not like it.

How can I revert to WebStorm's default setting?


Zac Grierson picture Zac Grierson · Jun 27, 2016

Depending on what OS you are on, you should be able to remove the config file and WebStorm will recreate it.

Normally, there are .idea folders as @camden_kid said.


<User home>\.WebStormXX\config that contains user-specific settings.

<User home> in WindowsXP is C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\;
in Windows Vista it is C:\Users\<User name>\


/.WebStormXX/config that contains user-specific settings


~/Library/Preferences/WebStormXX contains the rest of the configuration settings.

You might be able to just swap theme depending on how destructive the theme files were.