Top "Websphere" questions

IBM WebSphere Application Server, a software application server, is the flagship product within IBM's WebSphere brand.

NoClassDefFoundError (initialization failure) - Websphere and IBM MQ

Im having a problem on a Spring based webapp that is being deployed to Websphere and interacts with IBM MQ. …

java spring jms websphere ibm-mq
Where can I find a particular version of the IBM JDK/JRE for Windows?

I'm trying to get a rather JDK-sensitive piece of Oracle software working with Websphere, and I need to find some …

java websphere j9
Difference between queue manager and message broker

What is the difference between a Websphere Message Broker and a Queue Manager. I guess the queue manager puts messages …

websphere ibm-mq middleware mq messagebroker
Singleton in Cluster environment

What is the best strategy to refactor a Singleton object to a cluster environment? We use Singleton to cache some …

java singleton websphere cluster-computing
Unable to lookup remote EJB on Websphere 8

I have deployed an EJB with local and remote interfaces, and I can lookup the local one OK after deployment, …

ejb websphere websphere-8
JAX-WS server-side SOAPHandler that returns fault gets "Internal Error" on WebSphere v8

I have a server-side JAX-WS SOAPHandler (on WebSphere v8) that in certain cases needs to respond to the client with …

soap websphere jax-ws websphere-8
WebSphere to Oracle - doesn't accept correct password

In WebSphere 6.1 I have created a datasource to an Oracle 11g instance using the thin JDBC client. In Oracle I …

oracle jdbc websphere ora-01017
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: First Element must contain the local name, Envelope , but found definitions

Requests works fine in my local environment and it doesn't work on the deployed environment . Requests were tried from various …

web-services websphere axis2
Can I set the classloader policy for WebSphere in the ibm-web-bnd.xmi file?

I have a JEE application that runs on WAS 6. It needs to have the class loader order setting to "Classes …

java websphere classloader