Top "Websphere-commerce" questions

IBM WebSphere Commerce is IBM's e-commerce platform

A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined

I am getting following exception when trying to launch a store using Websphere commerce A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / …

websphere websphere-commerce
Lob is closed. ERRORCODE=-4470, SQLSTATE=null

I am using IBM websphere commerce and db2, have following piece of code Clob clobVar = null; if (result.elementAt(3) != null) …

java jakarta-ee db2 websphere-commerce
What eCommerce application is this?

I have seen a lot of sites using this URL structure: webapp/wcs/stores/servlet webapp/wcs/stores/OrderShippingDisplayView What …

e-commerce websphere websphere-commerce
What commands are called during WebSphere Commerce's checkout process / flow?

What are all the controller commands and task commands that get invoked starting from the AddToCart -> ShoppingCart -&…

e-commerce websphere websphere-7 websphere-commerce wcs
When to use access beans or data beans in Websphere Commerce?

When is it appropriate to use a data bean or access bean in Websphere? Apologies if I'm asking basic questions, …

java jakarta-ee websphere javabeans websphere-commerce