Streaming RTSP to WebRTC using Kurento

Elad Lachmi picture Elad Lachmi · Nov 23, 2016 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I have been testing out Kurento for a while now. I have gone through one2many sample, and got everything working.

Now I would like to do the same, but have the "presenter" be an RTSP source.

I don't have much experience with RTSP, so I might be missing something. I have looked over several samples and they all use the PlayerEndpoint, which receives an rtsp://... address.

For my implementation, I would rather the camera access a Kurento URL in order to initiate the RTSP stream.

Since I have very limited experience with RTSP, I'm not sure if this is possible and if it's a common practice.

If not, what are the alternative in a case where I don't know the RTSP URI in advance and don't have a UI to input it at runtime?


Val picture Val · May 23, 2017

Follow this example project, you can simply make Kurento streaming RTSP to WebRTC on the fly.

enter image description here