I'm currently developing a webpage and started using webpack in my build process. I've managed to use slick-carrousel plugin downloaded via npm but can't make fancybox to work!
I've downloaded it via npm and imported it as stated in the documentation:
var $ = require("jquery");
var slick = require("slick-carousel");
var fancybox = require("fancybox")($);
Then in my code I try to initailize a fancybox object and nothing happens. It throws no errors at all.
$(".filtros__filtrar").on('click', function() {
src : '#tns-filtros',
type : 'inline',
opts : {
smallBtn: false
If I do a console log of those variables I get:
console.log(fancybox); -> undefined
console.log(slick); -> {}
Which means slick module is loading correctly but not fancybox.
Somewhere I read that you have to use imports-loader to make fancybox recognize jquery variables. So I downloaded it via npm and included this in my webpack.config file:
module: {
rules: [
test: /fancybox[\/\\]dist[\/\\]js[\/\\]jquery.fancybox.cjs.js/,
use: "imports-loader?jQuery=jquery,$=jquery,this=>window"
But it doesn't work either.
Can someone give me a light on this subject? Thanks in advance!
Ok. I managed to solve the problem like this.
First, I realized that I installed Fancybox 2 instead of Fancybox 3 so I uninstalled the first and installed the last (Thanks to @Mikhail Shabrikov for making me realize that!).
npm uninstall fancybox --save-dev
npm install @fancyapps/fancybox --save
Second, I dig through Fancybox original code and saw that it requires jQuery to be passed to it as window.jQuery
and not $
so in my requires I did this:
var $ = require("jquery");
window.jQuery = $; <-- This is what do the magic!!
var slick = require("slick-carousel");
And voila! Everything works now.