Configuring and running integrated weblogic server in jdeveloper

coolmego picture coolmego · Nov 1, 2013 · Viewed 36.7k times · Source

i know this can be very simple but i am not able to do so. I am trying to start integrated weblogic server in jdeveloper(v11. But it always says the following error :

*** Using port 7101 ***
[waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
The system cannot find the path specified.
The JRE was not found in directory C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\jdk160_29. (JAVA_HOME)
Please edit your environment and set the JAVA_HOME
variable to point to the root directory of your Java installation.
Press any key to continue . . . [Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer is shutting down.  All applications currently running will be terminated and undeployed.]

My Java_home is set to the jdk i have installed and also have an entry in PATH of system variable.

**User variable:**

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

**System Variable :**
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

Please assist me in this regard.


Charl Bosch picture Charl Bosch · Mar 11, 2015

I fixed mine by editing the setDomainEnv.cmd in my weblogic installation. In my installation D:\srv\wls12120\user_projects\domains\mydomain\bin my installation pointed to:

set SUN_JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdk\jdk8u40 changed to 

set DEFAULT_SUN_JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdk\jdk8u40 changed to 
set JAVA_HOME=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK17~1.0_2

as well as here:

if "%VM_TYPE%"=="JRockit" (
) else (
    if "%JAVA_VENDOR%"=="Sun" (
    ) else (
        set JAVA_VENDOR=Oracle
        set JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdk\jdk8u40
        set VM_TYPE=HotSpot

This has solved my issue.