I'm doing Colt Steele's The Web Developer Bootcamp and I've got to the point where we're going to start a database for the YelpCamp app. Problem is, he is using MongoDB, and I don't want to use that. I want to use MariaDB. How can I get Node JS to work with it? I've already added it to my project using npm install, but I've got no idea where to go from here. I can't find any guides pertaining specifically to nodejs and mariadb. The official guide is not beginner friendly. I have no idea what alot of it even says.
I'm not working thorugh Cloud9 like he is because they're not accepting new registrations. I am running node.js on my computer using the command line, and have been following his videos that way.
Install: npm i mariadb
const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const pool = mariadb.createPool({host: 'mydb.com', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5});
.then(conn => {
conn.query("SELECT 1 as val")
.then((rows) => {
console.log(rows); //[ {val: 1}, meta: ... ]
return conn.query("INSERT INTO myTable value (?, ?)", [1, "mariadb"]);
.then((res) => {
console.log(res); // { affectedRows: 1, insertId: 1, warningStatus: 0 }
.catch(err => {
//handle error
}).catch(err => {
//not connected