Top "Web.xml" questions

The web.

Tomcat Session Timeout web.xml

This is my web.xml file, it is located in WEB-INF/lib. It specifies session timeout at 1 minute, however it …

java jsp tomcat web.xml session-timeout
DispatcherServlet and web.xml in Spring Boot

I'm currently trying to move my project from Java EE to Spring Boot project. However, i've been stucked and confused …

java spring spring-boot tomcat7 web.xml
Maven: Customize web.xml of web-app project

I have a web application Maven project, and I want to customize the web.xml file depending on the Profile …

java web-applications maven-2 profile web.xml
Order of loading contextConfigLocation in web.xml of Spring Servlet project

Suppose that I have a Spring Java project and I am trying to configure it as a web server servlet. …

java spring spring-mvc servlets web.xml
Can we use regular expressions in web.xml URL patterns?

I am writing a filter to do a specific task but I am unable to set a specific url pattern …

java servlet-filters web.xml
The content of element type "..." must match in web.xml

I have a problem with my web.xml file. The error: The content of element type "web-app" must match "(icon?,…

eclipse web.xml
Is security-constraint configuration for Tomcat mandatory?

In order to do an SSL Configuration testing under Tomcat, is this all mandatory? This below line is taken from …

tomcat web.xml security-constraint
many url-pattern for the same servlet

I need to map the same servlet on two different url. I used netbeans 7.0.1 for managing my whole project, so …

tomcat servlets web.xml netbeans-7
Servlet mapping: url-pattern for URLs with trailing slash

I have a problem related to the servlet mapping. I have the following in web.xml: <servlet> <…

java tomcat servlets netbeans web.xml
How to replace a value in web.xml with a Maven property?

I have a Maven project that downloads some test files into its build directory ./target/files. These files should then …

maven servlets parameters web.xml