Top "Web-storage" questions

The web storage is a standardised way of providing larger amounts of client-side storage and of more appropriately "partitioning" session storage and locally persistent storage.

copy paste big dictionary into chrome console

what im essentially doing is var dictionary = [ HERE I PASTE ALMOST 200k ENTRIES ] and it throws : Error saving setting with …

javascript google-chrome-devtools web-storage input-history
Viewing html5 storage in Chrome and Firefox

How can I view HTML5 web storage in Chrome and Firefox? What are the best tools available?

html web-storage viewing
Share dom storage between http and https

I would like a method of storing information on the client that can be accessed by both the SSL and …

javascript ssl local-storage web-storage
When should I use html5 sessionStorage?

I've learned difference between sessionStorage (persist during session) and localStorage (persist forever if not deleted). I can see that localStorage …

html local-storage web-storage
How to get objectstore from indexedDB?

I have indexedDb on my app for web storage. I would like to get the store form the below code. …

html local-storage indexeddb web-storage
localStorage setItem doesn't work on ipad

In my hydbrid app (Phonegap), I am trying to write to localStorage in a very standard way : window.localStorage.setItem("…

javascript ios html web-storage
Is AppCache = Application Cache = Web Storage's LocalStorage?

I'm getting a bit confused by the (varied) terminology for HTML5 offline storage. I think that AppCache is another name …

html html5-appcache web-storage
Add/Append item into localstorage/web storage?

I know localstorage is just a simple hash map with getItem and setItem. What if my Item is a JSON …

html local-storage web-storage
HTML5 web storage: can different websites overwrite each other’s data on a user’s computer?

I have a few questions regarding the concept of HTML5 storage. I went through the w3c specification, books and …

html local-storage web-storage