Top "Web-services" questions

A "web service" is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over the World Wide Web.

What is the difference between a web API and a web service?

Is there any difference between a web API and a web service ? Or are they one and the same ?

web-services terminology
Tracing XML request/responses with JAX-WS

Is there an easy way (aka: not using a proxy) to get access to the raw request/response XML for …

java web-services jax-ws
API vs. Webservice

What is the difference between a webservice and an API? Is the difference more than the protocol used to transfer …

web-services api terminology
Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Is there a list somewhere of recommendations of different Python-based REST frameworks for use on the serverside to write your …

python web-services rest frameworks
How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

I've used JAXWS-RI 2.1 to create an interface for my web service, based on a WSDL. I can interact with the …

java web-services soap timeout jax-ws
what is the difference between XSD and WSDL

What is the difference between an XML Schema and WSDL? The difference I noticed is that WSDL contains XSD and …

web-services wsdl xsd
REST API 404: Bad URI, or Missing Resource?

I'm building a REST API, but I've encountered a problem. It seems that accepted practice in designing a REST API …

web-services http rest
How to use a WSDL

I need to consume a Web Service. They sent me the WSDL file. What should I do to add it …

c# web-services wsdl
Secure Web Services: REST over HTTPS vs SOAP + WS-Security. Which is better?

I'm not a security expert by any means, but I favor creating REST-style web services. In creating a new service …

web-services security rest soap
what's the correct way to send a file from REST web service to client?

I've just started to develop REST services, but I've come across a difficult situation: sending files from my REST service …

java json web-services rest jersey