How do I discover RESTful Web services?

dzieciou picture dzieciou · Nov 24, 2009 · Viewed 40.8k times · Source

When I want to find a "Big" Web service (WS-*/WSDL based) of required functionality I can simply google for ".... filetype:wsdl" because Google indexes also WSDL definitions. Or I can simply use some registries that already crawled the Web for WSDL definitions for me, e.g. or ServiceFinder.

When I want to find RESTful Web service (RESTful Web API) I may count only on the community, because it is not possible to distinguish between URI of RESTful Web service and other Web resources (e.g. Web sites URLs) and hence any focused crawler cannot tell for 100% sure: this is URI of RESTful Web service. So, I come e.g. to the and I hope someone already used/found the service I'm looking for and registered it there.

Recently, I was looking for the Web service for abbreviation expansion. I couldn't find it in portals like ProgrammableWeb, because no-one has put it there. Finally I was forced to browse through several abbreviation dictionaries sites, dig and drill there and I finally found Web service API in RESTful form. That took me a lot of time!

Is there any other Way to discover RESTful Web services on the Web?


Peter Kelly picture Peter Kelly · Oct 12, 2012

There is a convention (recommended in REST API Design Handbook for example) that you expose a /api endpoint at the root of your service. This returns an XML or JSON response containing the "child" resources that your service supports e.g. /api/products