Is it possible to perform a batch upload to amazon s3?

flybywire picture flybywire · Feb 24, 2013 · Viewed 58k times · Source

Does amazon s3 support batch uploads? I have a job that needs to upload each night ~100K of files that can be up to 1G but is strongly skewed towards small files (90% are less than 100 bytes and 99% are less than 1000 bytes long).

Does the s3 API support uploading multiple objects in a single HTTP call?

All the objects must be available in S3 as individual objects. I cannot host them anywhere else (FTP, etc) or in another format (Database, EC2 local drive, etc). That is an external requirement that I cannot change.


RubyFanatic picture RubyFanatic · Jun 16, 2014

Alternatively, you can upload S3 via AWS CLI tool using the sync command.

aws s3 sync local_folder s3://bucket-name

You can use this method to batch upload files to S3 very fast.