Has anyone written a client in Lotus Notes to consume a RESTful web service? If so, what are some examples of code that you have used? I'm uncertain as to where to start, as there do not seem to be many examples on the web at present.
My end goal is to have some Lotusscript (or alternatively Java or even @Formula) that a Notes client app can use to perform regular GET, POST, PUT and DELETE calls to a RESTful web service with. I'll be storing the results in .xml files on the client's computer.
The Geocoding class here doesn't implement all the verbs, but it gives you the basis of a COM-based approach, assuming we're talking about Windows clients.
OP Edit (Example):
Dim httpObject As Variant
Dim httpURL As String
Dim response As String
Dim returnCode As String
Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") ' use MSXML object
httpURL = "http://" & yourWebServiceURL
Call httpObject.open("GET", httpURL, False)
response = Left$(httpObject.responseText,16000)
returncode = GetGeoValue("code") ' e.g. 200 for success