What I would like to do is show a toaster like notification preferably but any method of "pushing" updates to the desktop is interesting.
Below is a working example of desktop notifications for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari, copied from Chrome desktop notification example.
Try it live on JSBin.
// request permission on page load
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
if (Notification.permission !== "granted")
function notifyMe() {
if (!Notification) {
alert('Desktop notifications not available in your browser. Try Chromium.');
if (Notification.permission !== "granted")
else {
var notification = new Notification('Notification title', {
icon: 'http://cdn.sstatic.net/stackexchange/img/logos/so/so-icon.png',
body: "Hey there! You've been notified!",
notification.onclick = function () {
<button onclick="notifyMe()">Notify me!</button>
More information about how this works in my answer to Chrome desktop notification example.