How can I set the HTTP proxy programmatically, on a WCF client, without using the default proxy?
Proxies, proxies, proxies.
According to the WCF model of development, I generate client-side "proxy" classes by running svcutil.exe on the WSDL for the service. (This also produces a client-side config file).
In my code I new-up an instance of that class and I can connect to the service. Very nice.
var svcProxy = new MyWebService();
We call this thing a proxy class, but there is another proxy - the http proxy. This service is using wsHttpBinding basicHttpBinding, so it is going over http. Now, suppose I want to connect the client to the web service over a http proxy (modeled by a System.Net.WebProxy in the .NET BCL). I know from my extensive, delightful experience reading .NET and WCF documentation, that the WCF runtime, if not instructed otherwise, will use the default system proxy when communicating over http/https.
I can set that from the command line in WinXP / 2003 with ProxyCfg.exe as described here, and in later versions of Windows with netsh.exe as described here.
I can also specify the default web proxy for use within the application by setting the System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy property.
But suppose I want to connect over a proxy that is different than the system-wide proxy? For instance maybe there is no system-wide proxy but I need to use one for the web service in particular. Or maybe there is a system-wide proxy but I need to use a different one, for the web service. And in fact maybe there are multiple web service clients, and each one should get a different proxy.
How can the proxy be set per-binding?
In the ASMX model, I could do this:
var svcProxy = new MyWebService();
svcProxy.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://proxyserver:1234", true);
But this is not possible with WCF; the WCF-generated client-side proxy classes do not expose a Proxy property. How do I set the http proxy, per client-side proxy, and how do I set authentication on the http proxy as well?
- how-to-set-proxy-with-credentials-to-generated-wcf-client
It makes sense that there is no Proxy property on the WCF proxy, because not all WCF proxies use HTTP for communication. After further review, I found that it is possible to set the proxy in WCF programmatically, if the WCF proxy uses an HTTP binding. I am documenting it here in case someone else needs it. To set the HTTP Proxy in code for a WCF client, do this:
// instantiate a proxy for the service
var svc= new ServiceClient();
// get the HTTP binding
var b = svc.Endpoint.Binding as System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding;
b.ProxyAddress = new Uri("");
b.BypassProxyOnLocal = false;
b.UseDefaultWebProxy = false;
And to set the endpoint address - where to reach the server - in code, you would do something like this:
var e = svc.Endpoint;
e.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(