WCF not running under IIS 6.0

Blankman picture Blankman · Jan 16, 2009 · Viewed 27.8k times · Source

Trying to get my WCF service running under IIS 6.

I have created the .svc and aspnet_isapi.dll mapping according to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752241.aspx

When viewing the Server1.svc page, I am getting a 404.

I have tested the site with a simple .aspx page to ensure the URL is working, but again the .svc extension isn't.

I have .NET 3.5 SP1 installed, my web.config is referencing 3.5 assemblies, and I don't get an error when viewing a .aspx page so it is picking those assemblies up fine, presumably.

What could be wrong?


Pawel Pabich picture Pawel Pabich · Jan 18, 2009

More than likely the .svc extension is not registered under IIS as being handled by ASP.NET (WCF).

Try these 2 steps (replace Framework with Framework64 if it's needed):

Go to:


and then run:

aspnet_regiis -i

Go to: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation

and then run:

ServiceModelReg.exe -i