Top "Waterline" questions

Waterline is an adapter-based ORM for Node.

Sails.js best practice in using transactions with promises (Postgres)

I'm using sails 0.9.16 with Postgres and my question is: what is the best way to execute transaction using current API …

javascript node.js sails.js waterline
Waterline ORM (sails.js) conditions with NOT Equal in query

How can I write a NOT Equal condition in Waterline? This code: Users .count() .where({ id: { '!=': req.params.…

javascript node.js orm sails.js waterline
How to use Model.query() with promises in SailsJS/Waterline?

I'm having issues with Sails.JS 0.9.8. I would like to use promises with the Model.query() function (I use sails-mysql …

javascript node.js promise sails.js waterline
Sails js - waterline ORM limit or sort after group by?

I am using Waterline ORM for sails.js. limit and sort are not working when you use groupby, but are …

sails.js waterline sails-mongo
How to show queries in console log using sails?

I am starting a project with sails and mysql, and I do'nt know how configurate it to show the queries …

node.js sails.js waterline
Sails.js Waterline query modifiers for dates with sails-mysql?

I just started using Sails.js with its ORM, Waterline, and absolutely love it, but I am not sure how …

mysql node.js orm sails.js waterline
Sails.js find multiple database entries by id

I'm bit new at node.js/sails.js and was wondering (if possible) how to retrieve multiple database entries by …

javascript node.js mongodb sails.js waterline
Change field name for CreatedAt / UpdateAt Attributes

I am attempting to model an existing MSSQL table in SailsJS. Unsurprisingly the tables in the existing database have a …

node.js sails.js waterline
How to Log in SailsJS

What is the actual syntax to log in SailsJS? Docs don't have anything, but found the following line in the …

sails.js waterline
Unique property fails in Sails.js

The following code represents an Account Model in Sails.js v0.9.4 . module.exports = { attributes: { email: { type: 'email', unique: true, required: …

node.js express sails.js waterline