Top "Watchkit" questions

WatchKit is an integral part of the Apple Watch experience for third-party applications.

How to launch iOS App from Apple Watch?

Is there any way to launch the iOS App from Apple Watch? Edit:- Tried using both api below but …

objective-c watchkit apple-watch
WatchKit Extension Provisioning Profile?

I'm trying to send my iOS app to the App Store right now. It compiles fine and installs onto my …

ios provisioning-profile watchkit apple-watch xcode-6.2
Sharing classes between iphone and the apple watch

I was hoping someone could shed some light on this. I've tried researching but couldn't really find anything... Is there …

swift watchkit
Type 'UIViewController' does not conform to protocol 'WCSessionDelegate'

Since upgrading on Xcode 8 (Beta 1) and Swift 3 I have an error in this line: class CloudViewController: UIViewController, WCSessionDelegate { It says : …

ios swift watchkit watchconnectivity watchos-3
Using Core Data with watchOS 2.0

I made an iOS/Apple Watch app with WatchKit 1.0 that uses a shared group container and a custom framework to …

ios watchkit watchos-2 watchos