How do I watch all keys in a data object in Vue 2

Anonymous picture Anonymous · Jan 13, 2017 · Viewed 20.8k times · Source

My data object:

data: {
    selected: {
        'type': null,
        'instrument': null

My template:

<select v-model="selected['instrument']" @change="switchFilter('instrument', $event)">
    <option v-for="instrument in instruments" :value="instrument.value">@{{ instrument.text }}</option> 

<select v-model="selected['type']" @change="switchFilter('type', $event)">
    <option v-for="type in types" :value="type.value">@{{ type.text }}</option> 

How can I watch both selected indexes at the same time? I want to do something like this everytime any of the indexes updates:

watch: {
    selected: function(o, n) {


Saurabh picture Saurabh · Jan 13, 2017

You can use deep option provided by the watcher from vue. As stated in the docs:

To also detect nested value changes inside Objects, you need to pass in deep: true in the options argument. Note that you don’t need to do so to listen for Array mutations.

You code will look like following:

watch: {
    'selected': {
        handler: function (val, oldVal) {
            console.log('watch 1', 'newval: ', val, '   oldVal:', oldVal)
        deep: true