Top "War" questions

Web Application Archive - Is Jar file used to distribute JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries and static Web pages (HTML and related files) that together constitute a Web application.

Gradle -> How to omit some jars from WEB-INF/lib

I have a subproject with a war spec that looks like this: war { from('resources') { include '*.properties' into 'WEB-INF/…

java jar war gradle apache-tomee
Gradle ear is putting JAR instead of WAR

I'm trying to build an ear using Gradle. I've my project tree like: /project | |--> /web-application | | | |--> /src (…

war gradle ear
Eclipse (actually RAD) throwing WAR validation error (CHKJ3000E) on project

I have a project that I have just imported from CVS. It is working in several dozen other developers IDE, …

java eclipse war rad
When is it appropriate to use an EAR and when should your apps be in WARs?

We have many Spring web applications to make on a WebLogic server and are curious about when WARs should go …

java spring weblogic war ear
How can I create and deploy Spring Batch jobs in Spring Batch Admin UI

I have back end Spring experience however, I don't have great experience deploying applications on web containers (for e.g …

spring war spring-batch web-deployment spring-batch-admin
Getting WinMerge to compare .jar files

I have two directories which contain a handful of *.jar and *.war archives, as well as some metadata files and …

jar war 7zip winmerge
Conversion of class file to Java files

I have one War files (a Java application) consist of 64 class file along with image/CSS/JS files. I have …

java reverse-engineering war decompiling .class-file
JBoss 7 - Where does the war get exploded?

I would like to know which location inside JBoss 7 does the deployed 'WAR' file get exploded to? In JBoss 4.3 it …

war jboss7.x exploded
How to handle Maven WAR overlays in Eclipse?

I have a multi-module Maven project that makes use of WAR overlays (stack of them 3 deep). Everything works great in …

java eclipse servlets war maven-3
War context root change is not reflected in WebSphere made through Maven and deployed using MyEclipse

I am using WebSphere 7 and trying to deploy war from MyEclipse (Server > WebSphere 7 > right click > Add Deployment). …

java maven-3 war websphere-7 contextroot