I downloaded WAMP server with version 2.2 and installed on a Windows 7 64-bit machine .
But the issue is it throws an error with following details:
Aestan Tray Menu
Could not execute menu item (internal error)
[Exception] Could not perform service action:
The service has not been started
Could anyone tell me what exactly it means and the solution if it is known?
Choose stop service at all of the service, and start all again..
Restart your computer and rerun again.
If not, check if any of your configuration got wrong.
Go to Wampsever->Apache->httpd.conf and just change the line
Listen Listen [::0]:80 as Listen Listen [::0]:8080
*copy the line find & replace..
here is the solution in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nct5BBn6hW8