WAMP refers to a web development software stack utilizing Windows, Apache Web Server, MySQL database, and the PHP programming language.
I'm developing a CodeIgniter app on Win 7, using WampServer v2.0 - I've edited my local HOSTS file so that I …
wamp hostname lanI've recently install WAMP 2.2 on my Windows PC. For whatever reason, my WAMP server isn't working. I try to open …
apache wamp wampserver apache2.2I am using wamp server.I am trying to import the database in phpmyadmin. but its showing Script timeout passed, …
mysql magento wamp wampserverObjective: want to share a website preview using ngrok, which creates a tunnel from which my localhost can be seen …
http localhost wamp virtualhost ngrokThe Windows 10 Creators update seems to have hosed Apache's httpd service, which now errors when I first start the WampServer. …
apache wamp wampserverI am newbie to Joomla and WAMP environiment. I am using WAMP environment: Win Srv 2003 R2 (Std Ed) with SP2 …
apache mod-rewrite joomla1.5 wamp joomla-sef-urlsI am able to hide the database from writing this line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = 'information_schema'; in config.…
phpmyadmin wamp