Top "Wallpaper" questions

Wallpaper is the background image on one's "desktop" or "home screen.

Simplest example of an Android live wallpaper

I'm trying to make an android live wallpaper. I am looking for just a simple example that just displays a …

android live-wallpaper wallpaper
Shell script changing desktop wallpaper

Could you write the easiest possible shell script that will change the desktop wallpaper (in Ubuntu) in regular intervals (e.…

bash shell gnome wallpaper
Android - How to set the wallpaper image?

Possible Duplicate: Android - how to set the wallpaper image What i'm trying to do is, set the wallpaper using …

android wallpaper
Android wallpaper/background dimensions

Which are the default dimension of the Home wallpaper/background for the various Android screen configurations (small, normal and large …

android background wallpaper
Live Wallpaper Water Ripple Effect

I'm working on a live wallpaper that incorporates some water ripple effects on touching the screen but I'm a little …

android live effects wallpaper
Using WallpaperManager in Android to set wallpaper

Below are my codes, I want to use wallpaper manager to set as wallpaper. I'm using Universal Image Loader, but …

android wallpaper
Change wallpaper programmatically using c++ and windows api

I've been trying to write an application, using Qt and mingw32, to download images and set them as the background …

c++ winapi qt wallpaper desktop-wallpaper
How do I change my Windows desktop wallpaper programmatically?

I'd wish to set a wallpaper for Windows XP using C#. I've developed the code so it perfectly works in …

c# settings windows-xp desktop wallpaper
How to find out the solid color used for the Windows Wallpaper?

I know how to retrieve the wallpaper from the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper But what if …

windows registry wallpaper
Get current wallpaper

I'm pretty new to Android programming so bear with me. I was wondering if there was a method of retrieving …

android methods wallpaper