Top "Waitpid" questions

The `waitpid()` function is a POSIX function designated for waiting for status changes and for obtaining the status information about the child process whose status has changed.

How to timeout waitpid without killing the child?

I am aware of the many questions regarding waitpid and timeouts but they all cover this by killing the child …

perl ipc fork waitpid
Multiple pipe implementation using system call fork() execvp() wait() pipe() - it is simply not working

I need to implement my shell that handles multiple pipe commands. For example I need to be able to handle …

c shell fork pipe waitpid
wait() function in Ubuntu

I am learning Processes and their behavior in Ubuntu, but I am a bit confused in wait(). So my questions …

c linux ubuntu-10.04 wait waitpid
fork/exec/waitpid issue

I'm trying to determine whether an execution failed by checking the result of waitpid(). However, even when I run a …

c exec fork execvp waitpid
Reaping child processes from Perl

I have a script that spawns a set of children. The parent must wait for each of the children to …

perl fork parent-child waitpid
How to make waitpid block the loop

The following code runs 2 children, who will wait for 10 seconds and terminate. The parent is sitting in a loop, waiting …

perl optimization waitpid
Can this C code create zombie processes?

I am wondering if the following code can create zombies: #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #…

c process pid zombie-process waitpid
When and why should you use WNOHANG with waitpid()?

I'm currently in a systems programming class and we went over the wait system call functions today. I was reading …

linux waitpid
About wait() and waitpid()

So I wrote this code on C. I created a father, that has two child processes, and one becomes zombie. …

c wait waitpid