Top "Vuex" questions

Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.

NuxtServerInit not working on Vuex module mode - Nuxt.js

NuxtServerInit is not working on initial page render on nuxt js vuex module mode. But it works on Classic mode. …

vue.js vuex nuxt.js vuex-modules
(Nuxt.js/Vue.js) Setting axios auth token in Vuex store resets after refresh

I have the following store code to handle login, logout, to fetch the user and to set the token to …

javascript vue.js axios vuex nuxt.js
Can a Vuex module watch another Vuex module?

Can Vuex modules watch the state of other modules, and trigger actions consequently? For example, let's consider the following case: …

vue.js vuex vuex-modules
What is sane way in vuejs + vuex form handling?

I have a large forms to submit in single page. <container> <formA> <formB> <…

forms vue.js vuex
How to protect client side routes in Vue.js?

I'm building a spa right now that uses Vue.js as the front end framework which talks to a pure …

javascript vue.js web-frontend vuex
Accessing vuex module state from another module

I'm learning vuex and making some headway but I'm stuck on something. I have a vue component with a store …

vue.js vuejs2 vuex vuex-modules
How to use Vuex types constants with module namespace?

I have this Vuex module: //modules/things.js const state = { firstThing: 'abc', secondThing: 'def', }; const getters = { getFirstThing: state => state.…

javascript vue.js vuejs2 vuex
vuex subscribe to individual mutation

Is it possible to subscribe to an individual mutation? Instead of: this.$store.subscribe((mutation, state) => { if(mutation === 'someMutation'){ …

javascript vue.js vuex
Vue-router reloads page and I lose my state, how do i avoid this?

I have a form divided in 5 components and the user can navigate through them via steppers (I'm using vue-material for …

vue.js vuejs2 vue-router vuex vue-material
Internationalization in Vue.js using vue-i18n getting JSON Object from API server

Now I'm building an app in Vue.js supports multiple Languages. And I implemented internationalization using…

javascript vue.js internationalization vuex vue-i18n