Top "Vsto" questions

Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) is a set of development tools for creating Office automation solutions (add-in or document customization), using .NET and the Visual Studio IDE.

Can you open a form or window in an Outlook Addin (VSTO)

I am new to VSTO programming. I have created a basic addin for Outlook 2007 that monitors a folder containing XML …

c# vsto outlook-2007
Adding a Tab to the Outlook 2010 Ribbon?

I'm trying to create an Outlook 2010 addin that adds a new tab to the ribbon. I found out how I …

c# .net outlook vsto outlook-2010
Custom Ribbon in VSTO Addin for Outlook 2010 doesn't display

I've got a minimal VSTO Addin for Outlook 2010 with a ribbon. My only goal is to display a ribbon (created …

c# outlook vsto ribbon
How do I make an Office 2013/2016 application run in separate process on Microsoft Windows?

I am developing a Excel plugin. It works all right for Excel versions before 2013. But a lot of features is …

excel vba vsto office-interop office-2013
best content on how to deploy and share a VSTO solution

with the push to leverage visual studio and dotnet with office based solutions, especially excel, where is the best article …

excel vba vsto
Storing Outlook emails in a Microsoft SQL Server database

I am using c# to write an Outlook 2007 add-in to store emails in a SQL Server 2005 database. I would like …

c# sql-server vsto outlook-2007 outlook-addin
vsto installer - silent mode problem

Background: I am making a VSTO 4.0 add in for Outlook 2007 which enables users to transfer their mail items to a …

vsto installation silent
How do you use WiX to deploy VSTO 3.0 addins?

I want to deploy a VSTO 3 Application Level Word 2007 addin that I've written with Visual Studio 2008. I see that WiX …

wix vsto ms-office add-in wix3
How to have a VSTO Ribbon and Context Menu at the same time?

EDIT: The posters answer is correct except for it should read xmlns="" for the …

vsto contextmenu outlook-addin ribbon
Insert line break in MS word table

I'm trying to insert a line break into a table cell. So far I've been trying to manipulate the range …

ms-word vsto word-2007