I used to be really interested in using VSTA (Visual Studio Tools for Applications) for an application I've been working on, but stopped following it for a while. Now, no matter how hard I look, I can't seem to find anything new about it. The VSTA blog hasn't been updated since 2009, and most links through the MSDN guidance on it are broken (they redirect to generic VS pages.) I found a download for it from the MSDN article, but it sends me to this page, where the download button is disabled.
Anyone know what happened to this product? Has the project just been silently abandoned?
If you want to install VSTA, and you have Infopath 2007 installed, go to add/remove programs and 'change' the office Infopath 2007 installation. From there, select 'Add or Remove Features ' > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Infopath > .NET Programmability Support > .NET Programmability support for .NET Framework version 2.0 > Visual Studio Tools for Applications (set this to "Run from my computer"). It is disabled by default on installing Infopath.