Top "Vps" questions

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and usually refers to a single instance of a virtual machine leased for private running on a shared physical machine.

a2enmod command not found in apache server using cpanel in linux vps

after going to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and even after changing Allow override none -> Allow override All , …

apache cpanel vps
unable to connect to system bus: failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket

I started to use a new VPS system with ubuntu 12.04 After following the commands here I installed php, mysql, apache2 …

mysql ubuntu vps
laravel5: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2)

I have a problem when deploy website build on laravel 5 into VPS server, but on local machine it work fine. …

laravel-5 vps
Call to undefined function Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring\iconv_strlen()

My project works fine on localhost but not working online and this is the error: Fatal error: Call to undefined …

php symfony vps iconv
Oracle XE Database Configuration failed

I am trying to create an oracle xe database in my vps. VPS OS : Cent OS. When try to run /…

database oracle11g vps oracle-xe
What's best Drupal deployment strategy?

I am working on my first Drupal project on XAMPP in my MacBook. It's a prototype and receives positive feedback …

deployment drupal vps
Using wget to download a ZIP file

I'm having trouble using wget for my Debian 7.0 VPS server hosted by OVH. I'm trying to download a ZIP file …

ssh server wget vps
SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server in python 2.4

This is my normal code in my VPS hosting which provide python 2.4 def mail(receiver,Message): import smtplib try: s=…

python linux smtp vps python-2.4
Java seems to ignore -Xms and -Xmx options

I'd like to run a very simple bot written in java on my VPS. I want to limit jvm memory …

java jvm vps
Need some help choosing between Amazon EC2 and VPS

At my company we are looking at hosting a blog and a CMS . We are still in the process of …

amazon-ec2 vps