Finding the right VPS

ethyreal picture ethyreal · Sep 21, 2008 · Viewed 44.5k times · Source

The market is flooded with VPS (virtual private server) hosting options. It seems everyone and their mother has a overloaded server in his/her closet. Enterprise options always seem priced insanely high, which make the ones that are cheap and claim enterprise level seem shaky.

What do you look for in a quality VPS provider (language support, 24/hr tech, etc), and how if at all do you check their credibility?


Peter picture Peter · Nov 8, 2008

Selecting a VPS supplier can be tricky. Some warning signs:

  • Suppliers that don't list the amount of guaranteed RAM you get with a VPS plan,
  • Suppliers that don't list their contact information or office address (a lot of the small reseller outfits just list their plans and how they want your money).
  • Suppliers that don't mention if they own their own hardware or resell capacity from someone else.

Out of a performance perspective there are a number of other things to consider:

  • Being able to have your VPS located close to the majority of your customers (at least in the same country)
  • Cost/amount of guaranteed RAM.

To list VPS plans and suppliers that at least provide this basic information try