Top "Void" questions

An incomplete type used as syntactic place-holder for the return type of a method/function when no value is returned.

Is it bad practice to use return inside a void method?

Imagine the following code: void DoThis() { if (!isValid) return; DoThat(); } void DoThat() { Console.WriteLine("DoThat()"); } Is it OK to use …

c# return void
C programming: casting a void pointer to an int?

Say I have a void* named ptr. How exactly should I go about using ptr to store an int? Is …

c pointers void
Java generics void/Void types

I am implementing a ResponseHandler for the apache HttpClient package, like so: new ResponseHandler<int>() { public int handleResponse(...) { // ... …

java void return-type
Void as return type

I was testing return types with PHP 7. I've created a simple script to test return types of PHP 7: <?php …

php void return-type php-7
public static void main () access non static variable

Its said that non-static variables cannot be used in a static method.But public static void main does.How is …

java variables static-methods main void
What is the need of Void class in Java

I am not clear with the class java.lang.Void in Java. Can anybody elaborate in this with an example.

java void
Why cast unused return values to void?

int fn(); void whatever() { (void) fn(); } Is there any reason for casting an unused return value to void, or am …

c++ c void
C# thread method return a value?

Possible Duplicate: Access return value from Thread.Start()'s delegate function public string sayHello(string name) { return "Hello ,"+ name; } How …

c# multithreading return void
If void() does not return a value, why do we use it?

void f() means that f returns nothing. If void returns nothing, then why we use it? What is the main …

c++ types void
Java, recursively reverse an array

I haven't found anything with the specific needs of my function to do this, yes, it is for homework. So …

java arrays reverse void