Top "Vlcj" questions

VLCJ is a Java binding for VLC engine (libVLC).

Playing media files using JAVA

I want to build a tread safe JAVA application which: Play *.mp4 or other format HD media files (full-screen mode 1920…

java jmf vlcj
Cannot fix vlcj load library 'libvlc'

i am using netbeans to use vlcj jar my jdk is jdk-7u45-windows-x64 and my vlc is 64b i …

java vlcj
Launch VLC Player through Java

I want to launch my VLC player through a Java program, can any one help me? Thanks in advance.

java vlcj
which is better? JMF or VLCJ. especially for streaming youtube videos

I am an average java developer and i am trying to come up with a browser that is developed entirely …

java jmf libvlc vlcj
Correct using VLCj

I try to use VLCj to get access to web-cameras. I am using this code: public static void main(String[] …

java libvlc vlcj
vlcj Full Screen video player

I have done a video player using vlcj library of vlc media player. Here is my code to do that.. …

java swing awt vlc vlcj
How to implement an eclipse VM argument in code

This is probably a simple question but I'm currently working with vlcj to make a video player for a project. …

java vlc vlcj run-configuration