Is there any tab manager for visual studio?

jing picture jing · Mar 19, 2011 · Viewed 12.5k times · Source

It's common for me to have 20+ files opened in Visual Studio (I use VS 2008 now, but we will migrate to VS 2010, soon.). Is there any add-in which could help organize actively opened files?

I mean something like Firefox colorful tabs or a tab-manager which will group windows tabs by projects or folders,...


taylonr picture taylonr · Mar 19, 2011

Visual Studio Power tools will do it for 2010, out of luck for 2008 (as far as I know).

There are versions of Power tools for all the newer Visual Studios. Newest: VS Power tools 2015

You can have them color coded by assembly, most recently used up front, and several other sorting/grouping options