Can't reference an assembly in a T4 template

ProfK picture ProfK · Aug 8, 2010 · Viewed 18.1k times · Source

I have the following code in a tester class in my main assembly, PocoGenerator. This assembly is supposed to use a T4 template to generate POCO's based on L2S entities in a referenced assembly (a project reference), DataObjects.

var assemblyName = "DataObjects";
var dataObjects = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(new AssemblyName(assemblyName));

Try as I may, I cannot get T4 to find the DataObjects assembly. I have tried various forms of assembly directives, like:

<#@ assembly name="DataObjects" #>
<#@ assembly name="DataObjects, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" #>

to no avail. The code above works in the tester class, but not in the template. What am I doing wrong?

ADDED: I have resolved this issue by using the absolute path to the assembly in bot places I reference it, the directive as well as the class feature block, i.e.

<#@ assembly name="C:\Development\PocoGenerator\DataObjects\bin\Debug\DataObjects.dll" #>


var sourceAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\Development\PocoGenerator\DataObjects\bin\Debug\DataObjects.dll");

But I really don't like this, as I would like to use this template in various projects, and I just plain hate duplication, especially of magic strings.


Eric picture Eric · Dec 14, 2010
<#@ assembly name="$(ProjectDir)bin\Debug\ProofOfConcept.dll" #>

Happy Coding!