Possible to stop generating *.ipdb *.iobj files by VIsual Studio 2015?

Neon picture Neon · Jul 22, 2015 · Viewed 21.9k times · Source

In Visual Studio Community 2015, a Visual C++ project generates a *.ipdb file and a *.iobj file in its Release folder.

Now in Visual Studio Community 2013, I've never seen these files generated in project Release folder and so I'd like to know -

Is it possible to stop generating them?


James McNellis picture James McNellis · Jul 22, 2015

These files are produced when Incremental Link-Time Code Generation (LTCG) is enabled. This is a new feature in Visual C++ 2015.

If you disable Incremental LTCG, the linker will stop producing these files. But then you lose the benefits of Incremental LTCG.

To disable Incremental LTCG, modify your project properties: Under Linker => Optimization change "Link Time Code Generation" to something other than "Use Fast Link Time Code Generation (/LTCG:incremental)" (this is the default for Release builds).