Visual Haskell 2008/2010

Hun1Ahpu picture Hun1Ahpu · Apr 9, 2010 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

Does Visual Haskell for Visual Studio 2008/2010 exist? Or what are the alternatives to try it?

EDIT: I've got a lot of alternatives but it seems that there is no Visual Haskell right now.


Rayne picture Rayne · Apr 10, 2010

Leksah is something I've heard a lot of good things about. It's a Haskell IDE written in Haskell. I've never used it, so I can't promise anything. However, it is in active development and some people do use it, so it can't be too bad.

I know you're probably already tired of hearing this, but it would really be worthwhile to invest a day or two getting familiar with Emacs or Vim (I'm biased toward Emacs). It's not very hard to get a working Haskell set up in Emacs, as there is a very good mode for it available. The best thing about learning an editor like Emacs is that once you're familiar with it, it's always there. You can use it to write code in all of your favorite languages. I'm happy I learned to use Emacs just so I don't have to use a different IDE for nearly every language I use, and I don't always have to depend on an IDE, especially considering the fact that some languages don't even have IDEs. Newer ones, anyways.