I think the title is very clear, but also i want to say why: I already downloaded TFS 2010 and Team explorer 2010, but i'm still using VS2008 (with no short-time plans to change) My question, can i use those toghether? Also, my VS is just the professional version. I don't want to download the TE2008 because for my internet conection, it is just too big. Thanks in advance
The 2010 client is backwards compatible with 2008 servers (though not 2005). Details: http://blogs.msdn.com/teams_wit_tools/archive/2009/10/19/compatibility-matrix-for-2010-beta-2-team-foundation-server-to-team-explorer-2008-and-2005.aspx
However, it will not integrate inside the VS2008 shell. If you want full source control integration you'll need to download TE2008 + SP1.