Resharper 7: MSTest not working - "Test wasn't run"

magnattic picture magnattic · Aug 30, 2012 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

Since I upgraded to VS2012 and Resharper 7, my previously working MS Tests are not running anymore.

enter image description here

The tests are run in an ASP.NET environment. I use the following Attributes:

    [AspNetDevelopmentServerHost("C:\\Projekte\\****\\Website", "/")]

Any idea how to fix this?


barrypicker picture barrypicker · Sep 18, 2013

As odd as it is, using VS2012, using Resharper 8.0, using NUnit, I was receiving this error because of an entry in my app.config file. I added an EntityFramework connection string and this behavior started. Removing the entire connection strings section shows the test runner starts/works again. Viewing output shows the app.config is not valid - this was causing this specific behavior in the test runner - "Test wasn't run".