Top "Visual-studio-debugging" questions

Questions related to debugging methods and tricks in VisualStudio

Can't start debugger in VS2012 RC

Configuration: Windows 7, 64 bit Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 RC Version 11.0.50522.1 RCREL Running VS in administrator mode The VS solution contains a …

visual-studio-debugging visual-studio-2012
Error: You are debugging a Release build of X.dll

Background I have an ASP.NET MVC application project, along with various other projects within a Visual Studio solution. The …

visual-studio debugging visual-studio-2015 release visual-studio-debugging
What is different between visual studio F5, ctrl+F5, or running outside of visual studio?

I have written a program in vc++ that has different behavior in various case as below. When I run it …

c++ debugging visual-c++ visual-studio-debugging
No Source available

I am not sure what happened or if I did anything.. Now anytime I try and debug it says no …

c# .net visual-studio visual-studio-debugging
Why does F10 (step over) in Visual Studio 2010 not work?

I also tried 2 solution. But It doesn't worked. Go to Tools > Options menu in Visual Studio. Go to Debugging &…

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio-debugging
Visual Studio 2012 crashes every time I try to debug with error CLR20r3

Every time I try to debug one of my apps I get the below error message. Anyone have any ideas? …

visual-studio visual-studio-2012 visual-studio-debugging intellitrace
Lazy<T>: "The function evaluation requires all threads to run"

I have a static class with some static properties. I initialized all of them in a static constructor, but then …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2010 lazy-loading visual-studio-debugging
visual studio edit and continue does not work

In my project which is a hybrid project (in previous it was a web forms project that then we modified …

visual-studio-2010 debugging visual-studio-debugging