We have a .pylintrc file committed to git in our project root that is used by our team which has many useful errors disabled. So VS Code doesn't show those. I want to know if I can use my own pylint rules only on my local machine without having to modify the team's .pylintrc file in git.
I know that pylint has an option called --rcfile which can be used to specify custom .pylintrc file. I think if I can specify this option in VS Code settings I can get it to show me more errors. Do you know how to do it?
If you'd rather have the same .pylintrc
enabled for all your environments, you can add to your settings.json
the command-line pointer to the config:
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [
To keep the same config on Windows and Linux I add HOME=%USERPROFILE%
to my User Environment variables on Windows.