I use the code spell checker for VS Code. I would like to disable the spell checker warnings/errors in the "PROBLEMS" panel (standard keyboard binding Ctrl+Shift+M) where "more serious" problems show up.
Often there are so many spell checker errors that I have to scroll down to the "real" problems :-)
See issues: don't show in Problems pane. It is suggested to try:
"cSpell.diagnosticLevel": "Hint",
in your settings.json. This will remove them from the problems pane. However, in your files these "hints" are now indicated by three small dots under the beginning of the misspell and are not all that apparent. You can modify them with the colorCustomization:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
// will change the color of three dots to red
"editorHint.foreground": "#ff0000",
// will underline the entire word with dots in your chosen color
"editorHint.border": "#00ff66"
This will give you both sets of hint dots, you can hide the built-in three dots by making them transparent:
"editorHint.foreground": "#f000",