Case 1 (Overwritten undo/redo history)
Case 2 (Discard undo/redo history)
What i want to say through the above cases is "It's quite easy to lose the 100 lines."
I knew those possibilities and believed that i'll never catch of them, but the Second Case just happened 30 minutes ago by own mistake.
I want to know whether any solutions exist except SVN/GIT commit and rollback features.
Unfortunately, "Undo/Redo Last Global Action" didn't work for me.
Thank you for your help.
You asked for VS2010, but tagged this also for VS2012, and for VS2012 and onwards you have the Microsoft Devlabs AutoHistory extension which tracks local history. The extension is here: , a blog on it is here:
Example screenshot, the diff produced for a file where I added a Subtract method, saved it, then my dog came around and wiped it off and wrote "bbbbb" instead.